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Health Hub

Hip bursitis is a painful condition that can significantly impact your daily activities. It occurs when the bursae, which are small fluid-filled sacs located near the hip joint, become inflamed. read more about How to prevent hip bursitis
Endometriosis is a condition that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age in the UK. Despite it being fairly common, it can be difficult to get diagnosed. According to the charity Endometriosis UK, it takes on average, eight years to get a diagnosis of endometriosis. read more about How is endometriosis diagnosed?
In this article, King Edward VII Hospital's consultant Miss Aimee Di Marco, an Endocrine Surgeon who specialises in thyroid and neck nodules, explains what thyroid nodules are, who may experience them and treatment options. read more about The Expert Guide to Thyroid Nodules
It’s commonly known that exercise can be beneficial for all aspects of our health. From improving general health, maintaining a healthy weight and improving mental health, it can help prevent serious conditions such as strokes and high blood pressure. read more about How exercise can minimise arthritis joint pain
Christmas is meant to be a time of joy, a time to socialise with family and friends over food and drink. But more than a third of Brits (35%) are left with a bad taste in their mouth as the festive season exacerbates digestive complaints. read more about Christmas cramps: A third of Brits with digestive problems say symptoms get worse over Christmas
With colder temperatures, shorter daylight hours and the festive season upon us, it can sometimes feel harder to stay motivated and maintain an exercise routine. However, if you’re looking to keep rested and improve sleep, you should be focusing on your physical activity routine. read more about How to exercise for a better night’s sleep
Diabetes is a public health crisis. According to the charity Diabetes UK, of those aged over 40 in the UK, it’s estimated that 1 in 10 have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (Type 2 makes up 90% of diabetes diagnoses). Increasing numbers of younger people are being diagnosed with Type 2 as well. read more about 4 top tips to prevent Type 2 diabetes
Everyone experiences heartburn from time to time. Rich food, medicines and hormones can all cause reflux, leaving us with that familiar burning sensation in the chest and bad taste in the mouth. But for increasing numbers of people, reflux is a daily problem that can have a serious impact on quality of life. read more about When the drugs don’t work: Diagnostic & surgical options for GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)
A range of treatments exist for skin cancer, both surgical and non-surgical. How skin cancer is treated depends on the type of skin cancer and the stage of the disease (how far advanced the cancer is). read more about Treating Skin Cancer Without Surgery
A cancer diagnosis can be a hugely emotional time for patients - alongside the worries surrounding your own health, treatment and aftercare, there is also the challenge of how to discuss the topic with family and friends. read more about Talking to your loved ones about a breast cancer diagnosis