Mallet finger is an injury at the tip of your finger or thumb that causes the tip to bend.
What is mallet finger?
The tendon that links your thumb or finger bone to your muscle becomes strained or torn, which causes your finger to become inflamed, painful and hooked.
Your ring finger, smallest and longest fingers of your dominant hand are the most likely places to get mallet finger.
What are the symptoms of a mallet finger?
Symptoms include:
- Pain in the affected finger or thumb
- Sagging and not being able to straighten finger / thumb tip
- Swelling
- Tenderness and bruising
- Blood underneath the nail / nail getting detached, in some cases
What causes mallet finger?
Mallet finger happens when you receive a direct blow to your fingers. It is most likely to be caused by:
- A sports injury – especially if you play sports like football, volleyball or basketball
- Closing your finger on a door – children are more likely to receive the injury this way
- Minor trauma: making a bed or putting on socks – if you’re an elderly woman, you’re more at risk of getting mallet finger from these more minor types of blows to the finger
How is mallet finger diagnosed?
Go to see your doctor if you have the above symptoms. Your doctor will immediately be able to tell if you have mallet finger, as you will have the drooping finger or thumb tip associated with it.
In some instances, your doctor may take an x-ray, ultrasound or MRI scan to get a better idea of how significant the injury to your bone and tendon is.
How is mallet finger treated?
In most cases, if there isn’t a significant fracture, your doctor will place a splint on the affected finger or thumb, to straighten the finger. You’ll need to wear this for around 6-8 weeks.
Your doctor may also recommend the following, to help you heal:
- Over-the-counter medications – such as ibuprofen or naproxen
- Rest
If your mallet finger doesn’t heal from using the splint (which is rare), you may need surgery. You will be advised on the surgery that is best for you.
If you’re unsure what treatment you should go for, or the above treatments don’t work for you, our team of expert specialists are here to help.