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Topic: women’s health

Fluctuating hormones while on your period can lead to a wide range of affects including mood swings, cramping, and sometimes even digestion issues. read more about How your period can affect your digestion
Women's urological health is a complex field, marked by numerous challenges that affect millions of women worldwide. It is also an area with unique challenges - in particular the stigma and taboos that surround it that stop many women from seeking treatment. read more about The Silent Struggle: The Ongoing Challenges in Women’s Urological Health
Maintaining good health requires regular check-ups and screenings, regardless of age. Preventative health screenings are crucial for early detection and management of diseases, helping to maintain women's health and well-being throughout their lives. read more about Preventive Health Screenings for Women
After breast surgery it can feel quite confusing finding out what is the best to help your recovery. You have so much to think about after surgery that it can be tricky to know where to start and what advice to follow. read more about How physiotherapy can help you after breast surgery
● 30% experiencing symptoms of women’s health conditions, including PCOS, endometriosis and gynaecological cancers, are yet to receive a formal diagnosis ● Diagnosis took two years and three months on average for women who have their condition confirmed by a doctor ● Those awaiting support have taken matters into their own hands, making lifestyle changes... read more about 6 million await diagnosis for women’s health conditions