Gynaecologic Laparoscopy

A gynaecologic laparoscopy is a procedure where small incisions are made into your abdomen so that the surgeon can view your womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and bowel using a camera (laparoscope.)
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Learn more about gynaecological laparoscopies at King Edward VII’s Hospital
Why would I need a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
There are several reasons that your specialist might recommend that you undergo a gynaecologic laparoscopy, including:
- Pain in the pelvic region
- Problems with fertility
- A history of pelvic infections
You might also undergo a gynaecologic laparoscopy in order to treat a condition, including:
- Endometriosis
- Cysts
- Fibroids
- Prolapse
- Scar tissue
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Certain cancers
What symptoms does a gynaecologic laparoscopy address?
During a gynaecologic laparoscopy, the surgeon might be able to identify an issue that is causing your symptoms and they might even be able to treat the condition during the procedure.
When should you speak to your specialist about a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
If you are experiencing symptoms like the ones listed above, you should speak to your specialist and they might recommend that you undergo a gynaecologic laparoscopy to help identify what is causing the issue and hopefully provide a treatment plan.
How is a gynaecologic laparoscopy performed?
A gynaecologic laparoscopy is performed under general anaesthetic and usually takes approximately 30-60 minutes, but it can take longer if the surgeon is also treating a condition, rather than just diagnosing one.
What is the recovery for a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
Your recovery and return to normal activities post-surgery is dependent on many factors, and you should speak to your specialist or surgeon about your recovery prior to the procedure.
You will likely feel pain or discomfort as the anaesthetic wears off, but you will be able to ask for additional pain relief when you feel you need it.
Since you will have stitches, it’s important that you don’t over-exert yourself and that you discuss the best ways to take care of them before they are removed or dissolve.
Are there any risks/complications associated a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
As with any medical procedure, it is possible for risks or complications to arise. It is best that you speak with your specialist or surgeon about how best to avoid any adverse reactions.
Some complications that have been associated with the procedure are:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Blood clot
- The possibility of making a larger cut in the abdomen during the operation
- Damage to surrounding structures (bowel, bladder, ureters)
- Developing a urine infection
- Developing an incisional hernia
- Abdominal organ or blood vessel damage
How can I prepare for a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
Prior to your gynaecologic laparoscopy you should meet with your gynaecologist or surgeon to discuss the relevant preparations that you should make, as they can vary depending on what the aim of your procedure is and on your health/medical history.
Are there alternatives for a gynaecologic laparoscopy?
There are alternatives to gynaecologic laparoscopy that your gynaecologist might recommend depending on what’s causing your symptoms and what your medical history is, including:
- Hormone treatments
- Pain medication
- An ultrasound scan
- An MRI scan
- A laparotomy (where a large incision is made into your abdomen)

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