Dacryocystorhinostomy Surgery

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Learn more about dacryocystorhinstomy surgery at King Edward VII’s Hospital

Why would I need dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

If you have a blockage in your tear drainage tubes, or if they have narrowed, your eyes might become very watery and it could interfere with your day-to-day activities. This might be something that you are born with, or it might happen because of an injury or from a nose or sinus disease.

What symptoms does dacryocystorhinstomy surgery address?

After your surgery, you should find that your eye is no longer watery.

When should you speak to your specialist about dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

If you have an overly watery eye that is affecting your day-to-day life, you might want to consider speaking to your specialist about the possibility of undergoing dacryocystorhinstomy.

How is dacryocystorhinstomy surgery performed?

Dacryocystorhinstomy surgery can be done under either a local or general anaesthetic and can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • Endoscopica small telescope (endoscope) is inserted into the nose to reach the tear sac
  • Externala small incision is made into the side of the nose and the tear sac is accessed from there

In either case, once the tear sac has been reached by the surgeon, they will open it and connect it to the inside of your nose. They will also insert a tiny tube that will remain in place for 6-12 weeks so that the passage they have created stays open.

What is the recovery for dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

The recovery from dacryocystorhinstomy surgery can depend on a variety of factors, and you should discuss this with your surgeon.

You will likely need to take about a week off of work after your surgery, and it is important that you avoid rubbing your eye or blowing your nose so that the tube that the surgeon inserts does not become dislodged.

You and your surgeon will discuss your plan for recovery prior to your dacryocystorhinstomy surgery.

Are there any risks/complications associated with dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

As with any medical procedure, it is possible for risks or complications to arise. It is best that you speak with your specialist or surgeon about how best to avoid any adverse reactions.

Some complications that have been associated with the procedure are:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Displacement of the tube
  • Recurrence of previous symptoms

How can I prepare for dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

Prior to your dacryocystorhinstomy surgery, you should discuss the preparations you should make with your surgeon, as they can vary depending on the person.

Are there alternatives for dacryocystorhinstomy surgery?

If your watery eyes are not bothering you or interfering with your day-to-day life, you might decide to forego dacryocystorhinstomy surgery entirely.

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