Breast Ultrasound

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Learn more about breast ultrasounds at King Edward VII’s Hospital

Why would I need a breast ultrasound?

You might undergo a breast ultrasound if you have noticed a lump or changes to your breasts, or if anything abnormal was discovered during a mammogram.

When should you speak to your specialist about a breast ultrasound?

If you have found a lump or changes to your breasts, you should speak to your specialist and they might recommend that you undergo a breast ultrasound.

How is a breast ultrasound performed?

A breast ultrasound is generally performed by a radiologist and it usually only takes about 15 minutes.

During the procedure, you will need to remove all clothing from above your waist and lie on a table. The radiologist carrying out the procedure will put gel on your breasts and move an ultrasound probe over them. The probe will generate images that can be examined on a screen.

What is the recovery for a breast ultrasound?

There is no real recovery from a breast ultrasound, as it is a very safe and simple procedure.

If you have any questions about what you can expect after your breast ultrasound, you should discuss them with your specialist.

Are there any risks/complications associated with a breast ultrasound?

You should not experience any risks or complications after your breast ultrasound. However, if you do experience anything afterwards that is giving you cause for concern, you should speak to your specialist. Find out more information on breast ultrasound in this article

How can I prepare for a breast ultrasound?

There is very little preparation for a breast ultrasound. As you will need to remove all clothes from above your waist, you might want to consider wearing clothes that are easy to remove on the day of your procedure.

Your specialist will advise you of any specific preparations that you should make in advance of your breast ultrasound.

Are there alternatives for a breast ultrasound?

One alternative that might be suggested for you rather than undergoing a breast ultrasound is a biopsy coupled with an examination.

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