Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of your breasts.
Consultants who perform this procedure
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Learn more about breast reductions at King Edward VII’s Hospital
Why would I need breast reduction surgery?
You might choose to undergo breast reduction surgery for health or cosmetic reasons.
If you have large breasts, you might find that you have the following symptoms/issues:
- Back, shoulder or neck pain
- Grooves on the shoulder caused by bra straps
- Irritated skin or rashes under the breasts
- Not being able to participate in sports or exercise
- Self-consciousness, low self-esteem or depression
What symptoms does breast reduction surgery address?
Breast reduction surgery could help mitigate some or all of the symptoms listed above.
When should you speak to your specialist about breast reduction surgery?
If you are uncomfortable with the size of your breasts and/or they are causing any of the symptoms listed above, you might want to consider speaking to your specialist about the possibility of undergoing breast reduction surgery.
How is breast reduction surgery performed?
Breast reduction surgery usually takes between 2-3 hours and is performed under general anaesthetic.
During the procedure, the nipple is moved and excess fat and tissue is removed from the breast. Afterwards, the surgeon will shape the remaining tissue.
What is the recovery for breast reduction surgery?
Your recovery from breast reduction surgery depends on multiple factors, but most patients feel they can return to their regular day-to-day activities after approximately 2-6 weeks.
You and your surgeon will discuss what you can expect after your surgery and what the best options will be for your recovery.
Are there any risks/complications associated with breast reduction surgery?
As with any medical procedure, it is possible for risks or complications to arise. It is best that you speak with your specialist or surgeon about how best to avoid any adverse reactions.
Some complications that have been associated with breast reduction surgery are:
- Substantial scarring
- Asymmetry of breasts or nipples
- Loss of sensation in the nipple
- Inability to breastfeed
- The surgical wound not healing properly
- Fat necrosis (when fat in the breast dies)
- Haematoma (bleeding inside of breast tissue)
How can I prepare for breast reduction surgery?
Prior to breast reduction surgery you should discuss the preparations you should make with your surgeon, as there are several that could be suggested and they vary depending on the person.
Are there alternatives for breast reduction surgery?
There are options that you might want to consider prior to undergoing breast reduction surgery, including:
- Losing weight
- Ensuring that you are wearing the correct size bra
- Physiotherapy
Psychological counselling if you are experiencing self-consciousness or depression related to your breasts.

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