MBBChir, MA, MD, FRCS(Urol)
EndoUrology & Stone Disease, Neuro-urology, Kidney stones, Male Voiding Disorders, Haematuria
Initial Fee: £250
Follow Up Fee: £250
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Treatments offered at King Edward VII's Hospital include, but are not limited to:
Mr Ranan Dasgupta is a Consutlant Urologist at King Edward VII's Hospital specialising in Prostate Disease, Kidney stones, Voiding dysfunction and Haematuria. {{ label }}
Mr Dasgupta has interests in comprehensive renal stone management and prevention, neuropathic bladder and urodynamics, novel treatments for Benign Prostate Hypertrophy, and Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer.
Since graduating from Cambridge University, with a thesis on Neuroanatomy (Corticospinal tract in the Primate), his MD thesis (Queen Square, UCL) focussed on Neural Mechanisms of Voiding; he has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers, including on Urodynamics and Fowler’s Syndrome, procured a prestigious Wellcome Trust project grant, and a Visiting Professorship to the Cleveland Clinic. Original descriptions of Botulinum toxin for neuropathic bladder, cannabinoids in Multiple Sclerosis, Sacral Nerve Stimulation for voiding dysfunction and Sildenafil for Female Sexual Dysfunction.
Since appointment at Imperial College Healthcare almost 10 years ago, he has been local Principal Investigator for 2 large national clinical urinary stone trials (TISU and PURE), and serves on the global SIU Endourology academic committee. He undertakes Lithotripsy (ESWL), Ureteroscopic laser treatment, and percutaneous stone surgery, as well as running a joint Metabolic stone clinic for recurrent stone formers.
In the field of BPH, he has been the local Principal Investigator for the UK registry of Prostate Artery Embolisation, as well as offering Urolift and HoLEP alternatives to TURP.
Visiting Professorship – Cleveland Clinic USA
Chair of Research Council – Society Internationale d’Urologie
TISU trial – awarded best clinical research publication – Eur Urology
Platinum Jubilee Medal – late HM Queen
British Association of Urological Surgeons
Royal College of Surgeons of England
SIU Medicine Urology
Mentor for International Faculty in Endourology
International lecturer in Europe, Asia and USA (2012-)
Robotic Aquablation
Over 50 peer-reviewed papers, including in Stone disease (Dasgupta et al TISU trial)Eur Urol 2021), BPH (Ray et al UK-ROPE study, BJUI 2018), Neuropathic bladder.
Neurology in Clinical Practice
Urinary Tract Infection
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