Breast Health
Breast cancer, Breast reconstruction, Hereditary breast cancer, Breast disease, Breast screening, Breast assessment, Oncoplastic breast surgery, Breast surgery
Paul is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at King Edward VII's Hospital. He also practices at Imperial College NHS Trust and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London. {{ label }}
He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.
Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers. He was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016 and visited the United States and Japan to observe the use of auxillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. He undertook the first lymphoedema primary prevention procedures in the United Kingdom and is actively involved in lymphoedema prevention and surveillance.
He was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons, as a member of the expert panel on breast cancer-related lymphoedema. He serves on the Oncoplastic faculty for both the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.
Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.
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