Pain Medicine
Muscular pain, Arthritic pain, Thoracic spine pain, Shoulder pain, Radicular pain, Spondylosis of the spine, Sickle Cell, Pain management, Spinal pain, Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), Low back pain, Neck pain, Neuropathic pain, Myofascial (soft tissue) pain syndromes, Sciatica
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Treatments offered at King Edward VII's Hospital include, but are not limited to:
Dr. Thomas Gilkes is a specialist in acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Benefit from his extensive knowledge in treating pain conditions using both pharmacological and interventional therapies. He prides himself on his approachable nature and dedication to delivering the best possible patient care.
Dr. Thomas Gilkes is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at King Edward VII's Hospital with special expertise musculoskeletal pain, including hip, shoulder knee and arthritic pain. {{ label }}
Dr Thomas Gilkes graduated in the year 2000 from Dundee University with an MBChB qualification.
He completed his anaesthetic training at Barts and The London School of Anaesthesia where he developed an interest in Pain Medicine. He furthered this interest with a fellowship in Pain Medicine based at St. Mary’s Hospital, attaining FFPMRCA status before settling into a consultant role at Homerton University Hospital and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital where he partakes in research activities. He is the lead Chronic Pain clinician at Homerton Hospital.
Dr Gilkes is experienced in managing varied painful conditions, including neuropathic pain, post-surgical pain, spinal pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, with skills in treating painful conditions with pharmacological and interventional therapies.
These include facet joint/medial branch blocks, epidural injections, nerve blocks and sympathetic blocks where appropriate. He is skilled in performing radiofrequency neuromodulation techniques.
He prides himself on being approachable and delivering the best possible care to his patients, with an emphasis on listening and responding to his patients concerns.
Dr Gilkes has experience of working in multi-disciplinary teams, and has established a novel multidisciplinary sickle cell clinic at his base hospital.
Lead Chronic Pain clinician at Homerton Hospital.
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