General Medicine, Respiratory Medicine
MD, MSc, Diploma (Med Lead) Cert. Med Ed (UCL), FRCP (UK)
Epstein Barr Infection (EBV), Long COVID, Assessment for deep diving, sky diving, aviation, General medicine, Respiratory medicine, Respiratory failure, Respiratory infection, Diabetes, Heart failure, Snoring, Sleep apnoea, Sleep disordered breathing, Allergies, Allergy medicine, Skin rashes, Asthma
Initial Fee: £330
Follow Up Fee: £330
Please call or make an enquiry to book
Treatments offered at King Edward VII's Hospital include, but are not limited to:
Dr. Coker’s practice offers individually tailored assessments and treatments, ensuring personalised care that meets each patient’s unique needs. With a commitment to excellence, Dr. Coker consistently delivers high standards of care, resulting in outstanding patient outcomes, as reflected by the positive feedback received. Patients are welcomed into a warm and friendly atmosphere, creating a comfortable environment where they feel supported throughout their healthcare journey.
Dr. Bernadette Coker is a highly experienced Senior Consultant with over 24 years of expertise in managing a wide range of medical and respiratory conditions. She has a special interest in sleep disorder assessments and treatments and previously served as the Lead Physician in acute non-invasive ventilation, playing a key role in improving the survival rates of patients with respiratory failure. {{ label }}
Since 2020, Dr. Coker has been at the forefront of assessing and treating COVID-19 and its long-term complications. She has also developed a comprehensive sleep service, with a particular focus on obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.
Dr. Coker is known for pioneering innovative treatments for pleural effusions and for launching a modern allergy service that offers advanced diagnostic testing and immunotherapy. An accomplished educator, she has established several national training courses for doctors and is recognized for her contributions to medical teaching.
Her research interests include sleep-related breathing disorders, periodic limb movement disorders, non-invasive therapies for these conditions, and allergy management, including immunotherapy. Additionally, she focuses on precise diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusions related to respiratory infections and lung cancer. Dr. Coker has published numerous scientific articles and is a sought-after speaker at both national and international conferences.
Dr Coker worked as part of multi-disciplinary team following American guidelines to treat post-COVID illness complications.
British Thoracic Society
Medical Protection Society
American Sleep Society
Innovative diagnostic techniques and treatments for pleural effusions.
Minimally invasive bronchoscopy – National Courses
Training in sleep disorders and bariatric services
Home mechanical ventilation
Home based polysomnography (gold standard diagnostic tool, available now for patients to undergo at home).
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