July 2018
King Edward VII’s Hospital together with the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) of the World Veterans Federation recently established a new research evaluation group, called The Health of Veterans Research Team (HVRT). The HVRT is based at King Edward VII’s Hospital and mainly funded by the Hospital.
The HVRT consists of a research lead – Dr Silviya Doneva and two research assistants. The main purpose of the team is to build and sustain a rigorous evidence base on issues affecting veterans’ health. This is done by carefully preparing literature reviews on such topics.
The first report by the HVRT focuses on mTBI in UK Service Personnel and can be viewed on the HVRT website. The team will explore other topics in the future such as: non-freezing cold injury, common mental health disorders and hearing loss in the veteran and the serving population. Additionally, a post has been funded by Supporting Wounded Veterans (SWV) which is involved in primary research on phantom limb pain.