The Annual Report and Financial Statements of the period to 31 March 2024 was approved by The Board of Trustees (Council) of King Edward VII’s Hospital, registered Charity 208944, on 22 January 2025. The published copy is included on this page and can also be found on the Charity Comission website:
King Edward VII’s Hospital Annual Report and Accounts and Auditor Report 2024
The Statement of Purpose for King Edward VII’s Hospital Sister Agnes as required by the Care
Quality Commission (Registration) and (Additional Functions) and Health and Social Care Act 2008
(Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 can be read here: King Edward VII’s Hospital Statement of Purpose
Alongside all organisations with 250 or more employees, we publish our gender pay gap report to record the difference in average pay between men and women working at King Edward VII’s Hospital.
The report can be read here: King Edward VII’s Hospital Gender Pay Gap Report
In October 2014 the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014, which requires private hospitals to publish certain information about their referring clinicians. The Order requires private hospitals to disclose certain information relating to referring clinicians which are set out for King Edward VII’s Hospital below:
Low value services
The following low value services are provided to referring clinicians with practising privileges at King Edward VII’s Hospital.
Basic Workplace Amenities:
General Services:
Higher value services
King Edward VII’s Hospital has consulting suites at 5-10 Beaumont Street, 50 – 54 Beaumont Street and 37 Devonshire Street which are rented to clinicians on either an annual or sessional basis. Clinicians who rent rooms on an annual basis are charged on a per sq ft basis. Rooms are charged at £21 per hour on a sessional basis.
King Edward VII’s Hospital currently provides secretarial services to a small number of consultants at cost.
Car parking spaces
Minimal car parking spaces are available and are charged to Consultants at cost.
Clinical Leadership
Private hospital operators are required to disclose details of certain paid services provided by referring clinicians to private hospital operators in addition to exercising Practising Privileges at that hospital. Please find this information below:
Mr Alan Farthing holds the position of Responsible Officer at King Edward VII’s Hospital, whilst maintaining practising priviliges. The renumeration for this role is in the region of £2000 per month.
Miss Siân Allen works as Medical Director at King Edward VII’s Hospital whilst holding practising privileges. Miss Siân Allen receives payment in the region of £5000 per month in connection with this role.
Clinical Directors
Mr Alex von Roon (Digestive Health)
Mr Sean Curry (MSK)
Professor Christina Fotopoulou (Women’s Health – Gynaecology)
Dr Sasha Usiskin (Breast Services Clinical Lead)
Mr Joseph Yazbek (Benign Gynaecology & Colposcopy Clinical Lead)
Dr Sarah Chieveley-Willaims (Anaesthesia)
Mr Daron Smith (Urology)
Dr Monica Khanna (Radiology)
The Clinical Director provides clinical leadership for all aspects of the development and performance of the service(s) for which he/she is responsible. He/she will work in collaboration with the specialist nurses and general/business management to ensure the services are safe and effective, and that any new opportunities are seized in line with the strategic needs of the Hospital. A key element of this will be medical leadership, bringing the wider consultant body with them and fostering their commitment to King Edward VII’s Hospital.
Payment: £12,000.00 per annum
Clinician Financial Interest
Private hospitals are required to disclose the details of any referring clinicians who have a financial interest in the hospital’s facilities, including equipment used there.
As a charity, King Edward VII’s Hospital reinvests all surpluses in new technology, facilities and staff development and there is no outside financial interest from consultants in our facilities or equipment.
In January 2023, King Edward VII’s Hospital entered into a joint venture arrangement, LUS@KEVII Limited with London Urology Services Limited, members of which have practising privileges at the hospital. London Urology Services Limited paid market value for its shareholding in LUS@KEVII Limited.
Corporate Hospitality
We may occasionally invite clinicians to attend seminar events, as a guest or a speaker. These events give clinicians an opportunity to share their specialist expertise and communicate the procedures or treatments that they offer, face-to-face with interested third parties such as referrers and embassy contacts. Events such as these are organised and/or hosted by the marketing and business development team at King Edward VII’s Hospital, and clinicians are not charged to attend.
Events usually take place on our premises.
Due to the time of day when events take place, if the event crosses a mealtime then food and drinks may be provided for attendees. At events not crossing a mealtime then tea, coffee and light refreshments are usually provided.
In September 2023, the Hospital hosted a drinks event at The Royal Society of Medicine with 75+ consultants in attendance. The cost of the event was around £4000.
Our Organisation
King Edward VII’s Hospital is an independent hospital with registered charity status. Everything we do supports our core purpose as a charity, reinvesting the surplus we make to improve the healthcare provided to our patients and to veterans of the Armed Forces.
Our Business Practices
At King Edward VII’s Hospital we are proud of our vision to be the leading private hospital in the UK. Our values of professionalism, quality, respect, safety and teamwork reflect our core beliefs. We developed the vision and values through working with our Trustees, management teams and staff, and these beliefs form the basis of all business decisions and relationships we have.
Modern Slavery Statement
King Edward VII’s Hospital welcomes the opportunity to increase transparency and report on our efforts to ensure our supply chain remains free of any offences under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
King Edward VII’s Hospital condemns any form of modern slavery and human trafficking. We operate a zero tolerance policy to any form of slavery. We are committed to maintaining and enforcing robust and effective systems and controls to prevent slavery within our organisation. As a charitable hospital, we have a duty of care to report any Modern Slavery concerns and raise staff awareness.
Our Suppliers
King Edward VII’s Hospital is dedicated to best practice in the procurement of goods and services in all areas. As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, we have written to our suppliers to inform them of our statutory duty and commitment to comply with the Modern Slavery Act. We expect the same from businesses we work with.
We have undertaken an internal audit of procurement to ensure that we maintain best practice and to ensure that our due diligence systems continue to be robust and effective. We will be assessing our supply chain to ensure that business relationships remain ethical, transparent and fair in line with our values.
In addition to these measures, we will be including a modern slavery clause in our standard terms and conditions for goods and services.
The Hospital has a number of policies which support staff in their roles and with the application of the Act. This includes the Hospital’s Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy, Equality and Diversity Policy and our Recruitment and Selection Policy. We provide training to staff in a number of areas and Safeguarding training is one of the areas included in our extensive programme of Statutory and Mandatory Training, as well as our Corporate Induction programme for new staff which highlight’s the Hospital’s values.
All employees are encouraged to report any potential breaches of our policy and we have safeguards in place for those who do so.
The Hospital’s investment portfolio is managed on the Hospital’s behalf by Sarasin, a third party investment management firm. The investment strategy is agreed with Sarasin and the performance of the fund, its composition and the appropriateness of the investment strategy is reviewed at intervals with Sarasin by the Finance and Investment Committee. The composition of the portfolio between short, medium and long-term funds is reflective of the forward forecast of funding requirements of the Hospital.